Backlit Mutsus

7"X5" Oil on board

I should know better than to start a natural light painting at 4:30 pm on All-Saints Day (right after the clocks have gone back). The light had gone long before I finished.
I am a big apple fan and Mutsus are among my favourites. J. went out and bought three bushels today. They should last for a while if we can just find somewhere cool enough to keep them.


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  1. Nice painting. I like your food still lives. I can't imagine it not being cool enough in Canada to store those apples.

  2. To store apples, indeed any vegetables, temperatures need to be cool but not freezing. Our basement should work, but it is really a bit too warm for long-term storage. The shed is out, because the freezing temperatures we are going to get any day now would destroy them.

  3. Wow, great painting! I want to pick one up and take a big crunchy bite. I love Mutsus, although I think the Honey Crisp are a little better.


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