AGO Cafe

8"X5.5" Pencil on paper

I didn't really have any time to paint today. I went to Toronto and visited the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario). They have a great collection of Canadian art thanks largely to the bequest from Ken Thomson. I think they must now own every Krieghoff on the planet and a pretty enormous collection of Lawren Harris, amongst many others.

I have mixed feelings about the new Frank Gehry addition to the building although it has received rave reviews from many. I think I will just keep my opinions to myself though as I would probably simply display my total ignorance of modern architectural form.


  1. Great sketch. I like the way you work from life. I am so reliant on photos and wish I could take the time to do these types of drawings. I drag a small sketchbook around with me often, and rarely get it out. I haven't seen the new addition either, but I have a feeling I will have to keep my opinions to myself as well.


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