
6"X8" Oil on board

This was definitely one of those "what was I thinking?" paintings. I chose the subject because I thought it would be a challenge, but it was bit more of a challenge than I really wanted. I was picking at it for most of the day, on and off, and wiped off the entire staircase and started again at one point. I have painted this staircase from a different angle before. It was a lot easier last time.

I did manage to achieve one or two other things today, apart from the usual 6 loads of laundry and two shopping expeditions. I also painted the peak of the west wall of the house. I should be able to reach the rest from the 16' ladder which will be a relief. I can't move the big one on my own and have to get the boys to help every time I need to shift it.

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  1. It sounds like your heart wasn't in it, though I have to say the result does not look that way.

  2. It looks fine to me. Does the last step wrap around the staircase? maybe that's what bothers you.

  3. I like this very much !

  4. Thanks for your support. What I realized was that although some subjects can work with a loose impressionistic treatment, others require certain elements to be rendered faithfully in order the read effectively. I think the staircase is one. It is not that the detail needs to be exact but the the placement should be, never mind.


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