Meetings 2

7"X5.5" Pencil on paper

With apologies to my colleagues, meetings are one of the few situations where people tend to sit still and aren't particularly put off by the fact that I have a pencil and notebook in hand. Having said that I am always a little self conscious about drawing my coworkers. While the likeness isn't that good, it is good enough that they will probably recognize themselves, that is if they ever see them.


  1. That made me smile, well they are obviously very used to you Sarah! I would show them, it looks like you have caught some great poses!

  2. Very nice sketch. I find the awkwardness of drawing people without their permission difficult every time I do it. I don't think I've ever gotten use to the idea. Your sketch captures the postures of listening extremely well. I also sense definite personalities by the facial details you've included.


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